It is graduation season all over, and a young lady very important to me is about to graduate from high school. Shell is the oldest child (of four) of my sister and the only girl. It seems almost impossible that it is time for her to start college, as it seems like just last week I was receiving word that she was born. She is a remarkable young lady.
From the time she was born, Shell has been her own person. She is strong-willed, opinionated, and stubborn. Yet Shell is also sensitive, nurturing, and caring. She is an all-around strong young woman, both physically, emotionally, and mentally. Shell has always held true to her principles, even during those tough high school years - if she doesn't agree with an activity, she doesn't particpate. She is quick to temper on behalf of a perceived injustice, and she is the first to offer help if needed.
This isn't to say she is a saint who does no wrong, but Shell is as honest as the day is long. She tries to always do what is right, not what is easy. While Shell can be a bit of a brat, one can't hold that against her - she comes by it honestly. After all, she does share my middle name - she has to have some of my characteristics! But while she might be a brat (you know you are, Shell!), she is quick to realize when she is one and corrects herself. There isn't a kinder, sweeter, intelligent young lady out there in this senior class.
As one could tell, I love my girl. Never more so than when Mark was in the hospital. This child, correction - this young lady insisted on her mom letting her fly out. During her important senior year, my Shell insisted she be there for the only person who could stop her from crying when she was a baby. (When even her mother couldn't comfort her, Shell would coo for her Uncle Mark.) When Shell arrived, she wasn't uncomfortable being in the hospital room. And on his last day on this earth, Shell was there. She wasn't afraid to hold his hand, to rub his arm, to give him a kiss. When Mark was passing, Shell didn't become hysterical with crying - she was calm and loving. When I needed to leave the room for any reason, Shell was right there to sit in my place and hold Mark's hand exactly as I was, so he would always be comforted and loved. And in an act that shows what a strong and kind young woman Shell is, when I had to sign the papers for his passing, Shell stayed with his body, holding his hand, and wasn't frightened. This remarkable young lady wanted to be there for her uncle.
I am so proud of you, Shell. Whether you continue with nursing as your major or choose another, you will be an outstanding success. You couldn't be more loved!

Shell and her Uncle Mark
What a precious, loving tribute to the special woman that Shell is, and the special place she has in your heart and life! Her love for her Uncle Mark was heartbreakingly evident, as she spoke so lovingly about how special he was to her at his memorial. You are blessed to have had such a powerful, loving presence with you, as was Mark, in his life and final hours! I know that God will continue to bless her, as she embarks on this important next step in her young life!
ReplyDeleteThat was just beautiful! She is strong, just like her aunt. You are both very much alike.